KNOWING CHRIST AND MAKING HIM KNOWN for 115 Years! We are happy to announce Pastor Ron Kimble and wife Edna as Interim Pastor until a Full Time Original Free Will Baptist Pastor who preaches from the King James Bible is found. Please contact Butch Parker Pulpit Committee Chairman 910-389-8382 or Louise Parker Church Clerk 910-545-1612 **SEE BULLETIN FOR ALL OUR UPCOMING EVENTS** Community Welcomed Fellowship Breakfast every 2nd Sunday of each month 9:00 am We Need Help with the youth! Need Leaders for ALL AGES! SEE DEACONS Sunday School at 10:00 am. Classes for ALL ages!! Come be a part of the family of GOD! NEED SUBS! PLEASE SEE BROTHER JR Adult Choir is in need of Voices!!! Choir Practice every Sunday @ 5:00 pm unless otherwise announced! Starting our Easter Cantata practice real soon. See Jennifer Marshburn Secure Online Giving of Tithes and Offerings by clicking on the Online Giving button on the left side of Home Page. Church Van Ministry-We have a dedicated crew that will pick you and or your child up before Sunday School. After Sunday School is Children's Church then the Bus will take you back home! Signing up is easy...just call 910-741-6604 Saturday Evening. You will be asked to fill out a short form. Also available for special services like youth revivals and bible school. Call today!!! Volunteers needed for bus route and cooking and serving breakfast. This is a good way to serve if you are wanting to get involved! Food Bank-VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!!!!!!
Monday's & Wednesday's 10am-11am Come early for the line gets long. You will only have to fill out a short form. For more information about Food Bank or Emergency assistance call Yvonne Saunders 910-358-7510 UPCOMING EVENTS: Deacons and Trustees meet 1st Monday of each month 6:30 pm Womens Auxiliary meets 1st Tuesday of each Month 6:30 pm Men's Fellowship meet 3rd Monday of each month 7:00 pm **SEE BULLETIN FOR ALL OUR UPCOMING EVENTS** |